Saturday, December 14th from 10:00AM - 2:00PM

    ONLY $10 to reserve your kids spot, click on Buy Tickets and select Kid's "Mini Maker" Vendor.

    For questions please email: Jessica Smith at budkejj@yahoo.com for more info.


    H. Clarke Powers School Gym

    3296 Humphrey Road

    Loomis, CA

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    What To Bring

    It wil be raining please bring a pop up tent and your own 4-6' table with cover.


    We encouage kids to share tables if they do not have enough merchandise to show.


    Bring a chair and snacks for the long day. Upon arrival you will check in with a site coordinator to assit with locations which are based on first come first serve.

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    Please have a parent present to supervise transactions and assit if needed. Kids do not have to stay the entire time, but the busiest time of the day will be from 11-2pm as we have lunch and performances in the gym. Parents please park on the basketball courts so that we leave spaces available for customers as this is FREE to the public, plus our Will Call is on site to drive more traffic to the event.